Thursday, October 05, 2006

the final straw

From: Prince
Date: 3, 2006 8:25 PM For one I am telling the truth but like normal you are the victim and had no part in any wrong doing! as far as my brother goes I told to him today and yesterday so I know you are not telling the truth about that! Now as far as other people go if they want to talk to me they can if not god bless them and like the book says when you start getting closer to the lord you find out who your true friends are! So if they are like that then god dont want them in my life so I am still blessed! So like I said I am blessed and fine with life just wish you the same! so if this the last email I wish you well~

To: Prince
Date: Oct 4 2006 9:07 PM
Aw! You used that same tactic for years to get what you wanted. Now when I use it on you, I'm wrong.

As far as Damon goes you still know how to lie - very badly. Prior to yesterday, you haven't talked to him in over 4 years, yet you still want to call him your brother??! How could you treat your best friend like that! Don't worry, I am taking care of him now, so your 'friendship' isn't necessary. Like I told you, no one, including Damon, wants to have anything to do with you. You are a pathological liar who is trying to use God to get in our good gracious. God removed you from my life before you could do any more emotional harm, and has blessed me with a man that understands the pain that I endured with you and want me to be completely happy and at peace. If you are really saved, then you need to go ahead and marry Natalie and prove to her how you failed me and your first marriage. Once a cheater, always a cheater, and you have an excellent track record.

Monday, October 02, 2006

ex-hubby's remarks

From: Prince
Date: Oct 1 2006 9:27 PM

First of all when I said I love you that was no LIED! An when you I said I would never hurt you That was not a lie either! YOU was the one to hurt me by what you did by not being their for me in my most trying time in my life like a wife was suppose to be! Now this hit you are talking about I never said thier was and if thier was and at that point in my life I dont think I would even tell you iif that was on or not! I have said before I was sorry for the things that went down after you was caught doing what you was doing! First of all You broke us apart I just reacted to what was done and I was happy in marriage with you until you was not thier for me when I need you and you did what you did with Ivory remember that! You had started it all by doing that but I am here to not relive that I just wanted to know how you and Wanya was doing and why you move back home and to see if you was ok! So if I have to once again say I am sorry for the things I did after you did what you did to end our marriage with IVory and not being thier for me in my greatest hour of need then I am Saying it Now I AM SORRY! So why did you move home?
The reason I asked was because you was not thier for me in my greatest time of need and the fact the one and most important thing in the marriage was gone and that was TRUST and at that time I could not or would not deal with not having that in my life I need my WIFE to be the back bone for me at that time in my life and trust her to hold me up when I was weak and you did not do that!

From: DaQuietStorm
Date: Today
Make spell check your friend!!!! I have never seen a person that has a degree and can't spell at all! Oh that’s right…. You don’t have anyone to do it for you.

You claim that I hurt you, wasn’t there for you when you ‘needed me most’, and that you didn’t trust me anymore. When what that???? Was that the time that you were running to Creedmoor to see Tonya and her little band of minions, hanging out with the Married Men Club, or taking phone calls from "your psychiatrist" (I can only assume that was Natalie) until 3AM??? I really lost count on that one. Oh now I remember… you lost all your marbles when Damon got locked up. Now I see why Damon said that you don’t know how to function without him. I couldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you!

Then you have the nerve to blame our failed marriage on Ivy???? The only reason why you are trying to blame this on her is because she didn’t want to sleep with you. Now I want you to recall this conversation. I recall asking for permission to take that step. Apparently you were not man enough to handle it. Any other guy would have loved it and encouraged it. All you had to do was say stop, and it would have been a done deal. But no, that isn’t Prince’s style, and here we are. She had nothing to do with this marriage. It was going to fail from the moment I said I do. I knew that you would never take the vows of marriage seriously because you did not have your head (and not the little one between your legs) on straight. I have never cheated on you, so I know that everything that you were accusing me of is what you were doing. Enough said!

I would like to take this time out to say thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes to the bullshit that you dished out. The man that will have my heart will know the crap that you put me through and appreciate everything that I bring to the relationship. He will also know that communication is the key in my relationship, in which you failed to do. You have made me a stronger woman than what I was before. Now I can truly say to you fuck you and the horse that you rode in on.

There is nothing more for you and I to discuss. Now show this to your future wife Natalie and tell her I said thank you for taking you out of my hair and out of my life!

From: Prince
Date: Oct 2, 2006 8:46 PM
First of all you wait till my life was falling about to ask me something like that so who took advantage of who? Now as far as Tonya went she was a married woman was a good friend to me in my time of need nothing ever happen between me and here till after you and I split! Natalie did not happen till after we split! and as far as IVY I did sleep with Ivy! So I can an have functioin with Damon because I had to because you sure was not their for me like a wife should be! Now I have extended a branch to try and be civil with you not relive the past and to pass blame I have said I sorry but you are still a bitter woman after all this time! i just want to say hi and wish you and your son well and was just wondering why you move back to DC! So I hope GOD bless you and help you! You still dont see that I am only trying to be friendly to you and want nothing bad for you or your family I am here only to say hi and wish you well that is all and maybe we can talk as adults ever now and then not with the problems i dont hate you I dont have any bad feelings in my heart towards you just was hoping that we could talk ever now and then So I am not stalking you I just wanted to know why you move home! and was hoping that you have talked to Rose , Angie, and Marlon so it is up to you if you pass along my information on how to reach me here at myspace! GOD BLESS You

From: DaQuietStorm
Date: Oct 3 2006 12:07


Sunday, October 01, 2006

One Dirty Question

You get to ask me 1 Dirty Question (TO MY INBOX)...any question, no matter how crazy it is, and I promise to answer it truthfully...the catch have to repost this and see what people ask you

*1 Dirty QuestionYou guys remember this one. OK, no repeat questions, I answered that already.

And yes, yes, YES.whew, my friends minds are so dirty. The anwer to that question is NO! well, maybe......

My Ex-hubby rears its ugly head..... AGAIN

hey there... the ex-hubby is at it again, and this time, it is no laughing matter. He (apparantly) has been 'stalking' me on and waited for the right moment to stike. Unfortunately, I know all of his secrets and tricks, and this one is no exception. Below is an excerpt of our convo on myspace. I apologize for any spelling errors... he never fared well in the English language.

From: Prince
Date: Sep 29, 2006 2:35 AM
I am surprise you move back to DC I hope all is well with you! saw you on myspace and decide to drop you a line just to say hello! just was wondering how you been doing and all as a friend that all so emal back if you like if not I hope god bless you!!!!

From: DaQuietStorm
Date: Sep 29, 2006 9:30 PM
A friend? HA! You want me to be your friend???? Let's define the word friend.......
1 a : one attached to another by affection or esteem b : ACQUAINTANCE
2 a : one that is not hostile b : one that is of the same nation, party, or group
3 : one that favors or promotes something (as a charity)
4 : a favored companion

The last time I checked, none of the above applied to you! You verbally and emotionally abused me, used me like a snot rag, lied to me and on me every chance you could, and even wanted me and my son dead. When I asked you years ago the same question, the best you could do is tell me that we have known each other for too long. In short, you have NEVER been my friend. Why don't you do yourself a favor and act like I DO NOT EXIST. HAVE A NICE DAY!

From: Prince
Date: Sep 29, 2006 8:03 PM
First it was you that end our marriage not me! I never wanted or would let any harm come to you or your son! as far as abuse I will admit to that I was crashed by what you did because My marriage ment the world to me! I NEVER LIED To you and you know it I was sorting threw my feeling doing the time we was trying to get back together and when I realized that I was doing either one of us any good I walked away out of respect for you! I am not bitter anymore have not been for a long time and most of all I am now a much better man now! I saw you move home and was considered! Look You are a major of my life so I was concern that all did not mean to cause any problems just want to say hello and was hoping to have a conversation that all I hope you and Wanya are doing great that all! I am a saved man now and I am happy and want only the best for you and Wanya and even your mom I hope she is doing well! So email back if you like I am really hoping we can just talk like adults

From: DaQuietStorm
Date: Oct 1 2006 12:12 PM
You must have lost a chunk of your memory! YOU stood in our home and asked for the divorce! I just gave you what you wanted. That must have shocked the crap out of you.

let me finish what I started.... YOU were the one that told me that you loved me. That was a lie too. YOU also told me that you wouldn't hurt me. Yet I have the physical and mental scars from that as well. (oh yeah, there was no hit out on me from Damon, that was a lie too). Since you claim that you are saved now, all I want you to do is apologize for what you have done to me. Damon apologized on the behalf of you, but I could not accept it from him. Just admit to what you have taken me through.