Wednesday, December 19, 2007


In our quest for happiness we must be sure that we don't settle for a
playmate when God has a Soul mate waiting for us. Sometimes this is a
hard distinction to make. Playmates are tricky. They are so much fun to
be with that even the smartest of us will be fooled into thinking this
has to be our Soul mate. Worse yet too many of us attempt to make a soul
mate out of a Playmate.

The danger of this is that later, after years of playing, we will meet
our Soul mate, but it may be too late. We may have already made a
Lifemate of our Playmate and created life-long bonds (emotional,
children, etc.).

Alternatively, we may have been hurt from playing so hard that we are in
no shape ourselves to be anyone's anything. How can we distinguish
between the One, and just another one? First, we must be open with
ourselves about who we really are and what our soul yearns for. Only you
and God know what is truly in your heart and mind.

Only you know what will make you truly happy and whole. In order to find
your Soul mate you have to know you, first. You must be willing to
listen to that inner voice. Moreover, is that voice telling you that the
nerdy person you enjoy talking and sharing your thoughts with, could be
him? What about that friend who is always willing to go the extra mile
for you when no one else will. Oh no! He's too short or too tall,
balding or too hairy, and on and on? Just too ordinary looking for me!


Then there's that girl who makes you feel so special when you're around
her, but she doesn't match that ideal you have conjured in your head.
She's too tall, not slender enough, not light or dark enough, not
shapely enough, not attractive enough, and on and on. She just couldn't
be for me! Therefore, what if he or she doesn't look like Shemar Moore
or Halle Berry.

Don't push away someone who is right there in your face, someone who you
think you are not good for, but you never asked them. Is the next person
going to treat you like the jewel that you are?

Not only that, his or her soul and yours will commune in ways you never
imagined possible! In order to heed that voice, we have to put on the
back burner our own superficial thinking. Could it be that your inner
desire is for a truly genuine person with a good heart? If you enjoy
playing, stay on the playground. There are plenty of Playmates out there
to occupy your time.

Nevertheless, don't spend too much time playing or you may play your
life away. Eventually the playing loses it appeal and your soul begins
to crave a deeper, more meaningful connection. Your soul begins to crave
your Soul mate.

Never make someone a priority when all you are to him or her is an

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Poem - The Other Woman

This poem is waaaay deep!

I am the one who consoles your man
I listen when you don't have time

I am his friend first and
His lover second
A lover who loves him unconditionally
I don't make him feel like he's less of a man
I know this good black man is doing
The best he can
In an unforgiving world
He laughs with me
Smiles with me
Shares with me
He runs my bath water
And licks the bubbles off my toes
He washes my body with gentle hands
Gentle hands from a gentleman
I make him feel wanted, needed and appreciated
He shows me a side of him
You never knew existed
Did you know he wanted to go to cooking school?

Who am I?
You were always too busy for him
With your career
Too busy to get the brother a beer
Too busy for love
He was never next
Too busy for anal or kinky sex
Don't get it twisted
This isn't something that will pass
It's a lot deeper
We read books together
Cry together
Love forever

Who am I
When his pager goes off
And he has to leave unexpectedly
Well, that's me
When he comes home late and happy
From an all nighter at the office
It's me that put that smile on his face
I make dealing with you more tolerable
I've only spoken to you once or twice
You sound very nice, not cold as ice
Like he said, or maybe he meant
Cold as bed
Idle hands are the devil's workshop
Idle hands of your man
All over my tan.....brown body
A good man is not hard to find
A good man is hard to keep
Especially if you're a weak.......woman
He likes me because I talk back to him
I show him sass and spunk
I give him my lips to kiss and my body to lick
I am the challenge you never were
I bring him breakfast in bed
Followed by a little head
And drink Mimosa's out of his naval
Hey girl, I understand
Everybody aint able
Quit trying to be the boss
And give that salad a toss
I ask him how was his day
And massage his head and his feet
Letting him know
He is my only treat
No disrespect intended
But then again
I don't owe you a thing
I didn't commit to you
He did!

We as women get mad at one another
Instead of dealing with the man
The man with idle hands
Who am I
In response to the other woman,
Allow me to introduce myself
I am the WOMAN who was there each step He took.
I am his backbone that keeps him strong.
I am his best Friend and Soul mate,
while you settled for being just his here and now date.
You state that you love him unconditionally,
well you don't know unconditional love until you lay
awake praying, holding and molding your mate.
I don't make him feel less than a man because I am
more than a woman to belittle my man.
And just because you give him tail and he tells
you sweet nothing to make your head swell,
doesn't mean he's your male.
You say he laughs with you, nah he laughs at you
because you will always be coach
because I am first class.
You say he smiles with you , well he cries with me
because we are connected emotionally.
So.... he licks your toes huh?
Well... toes and ho's go together.
But my dear he licks my cat, so how
You like that.
He massages my inner walls, and your surprised
he didn't call?
He is in tuned to me because I am his destiny.
Which you can never be.
Sweetie, you think you know things I don't,
his inner most thoughts, wants, and dreams.
Do you realize we built those things from
bottom to top together.
You should have known better.
Who am I? You know who I am. Damn.
I am that woman you strive to be.
Nothing and no one compares to me.
The Woman you can't be.
The woman working hard to build stability.
Yes, I am a career woman.
And yes, I am on top of my business, but
guess what he is my business, and now this is
You know I don't blame you for hating me
And if that makes you feel better about
yourself then let it be.
Because I am secure in how I present myself.
Don't YOU get it TWISTED sister, I do just
in the satisfaction department, you didn't know?
What you did last night, he learned from me.
I have a bachelors in seduction, a masters
in rhythmatic abilities,
and PHd in climax stimulation.
Like I said before I am first class, the ultimate.
My ways are intoxicating, leaving a man
puzzled and perplexed
on how he can get his next fix.
Who am I? You know who I am.
I AM THE WOMAN, you can't be.
STOP....... you don't even compare to me.
He told you I am cold as ice, no sweetie,
you misinterpreted what he meant.
He meant I leave him with chills running up
and down his spine because I am so fine.
Kinky- I can be, but unlike you I am a
What I do in my bed stays in my bed,
while what you do in bed hops from bed to
bed to street corner.
You are right, a good man is not hard to
find, but hard to keep.
and weak.... hardly describes me freak.
He likes you because you walk behind him
I walk beside him.
You bring him breakfast in bed,
My mornings after has him scrambling eggs
butt naked with slippers on.
And when I ask him what will you eat- he
responds... "YOU are my treat."
No disrespect taken honey and actually I
find it quite funny.
I am more than a WOMAN.
He's the ONE who committed to me.
That's why I will let the two of you be.
Who am I? You know who I am.
I am that LADY who discharged his ass yesterday.
Now, what you got to say.
Ya see, I knew who you were on the phone,
that's why I decided to leave him alone.
My man and I had a little conference and
sadly to say
that I AM TIRED, so my jigga, your ass is
Who am I ?
I am that WOMAN who got AWAY!
It is best to be thought a fool than to
open your mouth and prove it. Silence can be so loud. !!!!!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

doomed for divorce?

Today I got home early and I turned on Tyra because the subject actually seemed interesting. It was asking couples are you doomed for divorce. They had a panel of 3 people, a psychologist, money advisor and a priest. A great panel and the priest was off the chain. Can someone please tell me if they still use that saying, off the chain, or is it something new. But, anywho, it was actually a good show and I really don't care for Tyra. I think she is fake. But anyways.

The first couple, the guy was trying to be a good man and get along with his girlfriend's mother. Mom's didn't care for him too much. And the girl had an attitude that her mom has been there for her always, so she was going to listen to her mom. I have a few words for this guy. Run Forrest Run. I have been in that situation and if she is going to listen to her mom over him. She is telling him, my mom is more important than you. And the crazy thing about that was, the three people on the panel said the same thing. That's not a a good thing cause when you get married you are supposed to leave mom and dad behind and live your life. And if you have struggles, you have to cling to one another and make it work. If they are always running to mommy and daddy, then you will never have a say so in the house. Not a good thing.

The other couple, the woman didn't want her man in her money matters. She felt that it was her money and what she did with her money is her business and none on his. But, the crazy part is, he was helping her pay her bills. He is paying the bills and she didn't want to show him her bills and she stated that her money is her money. Guess what. Run Forrest Run. Again, if she thinks and feels that she can spend her money any way she wants to, and he is going to bail her out. We know this ain't going to work. Another not a good thing. The biggest argument in any relationship is money, and it will be the biggest if you don't work it out together. People who don't fuss about money alot are those who work towards the same goal and they work on their budget together.

Let me know how you feel. Are they doomed for divorce.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Woman, 75, Takes Hammer Down To Cable Office

If you ever had issues with your cable company take advice from this woman LOL...

MANASSAS, Va. -- Mona Shaw, 75, was so fed up with her cable provider in Virginia that she decided to take some serious action (Video: MyFoxDC).

So she took a hammer down to the Comcast payment center.

Shaw figured her age would keep her from getting in too much trouble.

"At 75 ... I figure they're not going to hang me," she told Washington, D.C., FOX affiliate WTTG.

Go here to view the story....;jsessionid=91DD64726E22333DA47A5D359353AF6D?contentId=4590482&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Homewrecker still causin' chaos

I just had to post this one...

A friend of mine and I was talking about his baby momma's drama and all that jazz. Well finally his baby's mom - out of the clear blue - told him that she wanted to talk to me about my nickname, and wanted my phone number. When my friend asked her why, she replied that she 'wanted to get to the bottom of her Homewrecker nickname'. As expected, he fell out laughing. She didn't find this amusing.. she actually went on (according to him)a 15 minute rampage about why I was being called Homewrecker. The more she raged, the harder he laughed at her.

Finally, after getting a cramp in his side from all of the laughter, and the headache that he was receiving from her nagging, he camly said 'she is retired, and has been for a while. She haven't wrecked a home since 2005. Pay attention to what you shouldn't be reading.' (He found out that she has logged into his email and read my signature: Homewrecker (Retired))

Thursday, July 26, 2007

What happened to.....

As I sit here in front of my computer, I wonder why so-called men is not interested in pursuing a relationship nowadays. I guess that they are looking for sow their royal oates, putting another notch in their belt, whatever it is called these days. What happened to chilvary? What happened to getting to know the person intimately, not in a sexual manner?

Well I come from the old school, where it was common place for a man to court you, get to know you, take a woman out on a date. etc. Now it is 'let me get your number so that I can blow that back out later'. No romance, no swooning, nothing. And women is falling for it every time.

Let me tell you that I know what I want, and I am not settling for anything under that. If you think you can change my mind, go for what you know.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Just wanted to say ....


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Venting on DC Men

Hello to one and all! I gotta vent for a minute! Fellas, you can put your two cents spin on it. Maybe I am not seeing something.

I have had a page for years and have came across some nice people and some fine yet stupid people. When I moved back into the DC area, my stupid people volume have tripled... YES PEOPLE, TRIPLED!

What I refer to stupid people, I refer to the men that leaves one-line notes such as "damn", "hi sexy", and my personal favorite, "when can I tap that ass?". Most of these notes gets ignored or deleted immediately after opening it, but there are times where I want to know why a person send these types of notes. The response that I got from these niglets can be placed under one word: SEX. Apparantly, these guys feel that the women on BP are an easy lay, and they dont have to use other websites like ( and Online Booty ( Unfortunately for these niglets, this is grounds for a good cursing out by any sensible woman who don't want that in their lives.

The next step up is the men that want to see you 'not now, but right now'. Mind you, these guys dont know your name, never spoke to you over the phone, and may have chatted with you once or twice. They are ready to meet you (mainly at their place) without even knowing the basic information about the woman. C'mon now, think!

Now I know that there are gentlemen in this area that knows the basics and the foundation of having a fun, solid relationship or even friendship. Most of them are just trying to get another notch in their belt or sowing their royal oats. If you want respect from the queens, you have to respect yourself.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Nine things a woman says and their definition

Nine things a woman says and their definition

1.) Fine: This is the word women use to end anargument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)

6.) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.

8.) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!

9.) Don't worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement,meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to #3.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Drunk deposits horse in bank for night

Wed Apr 25, 11:14 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German man called on his bank for an unusual service when he was too tired and drunk to go home -- he bedded down there for the night with his horse.

The man, identified as Wolfgang H. by German media, went to sleep next to cash machines in the local branch of the Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse in Wiesenburg southwest of Berlin after unsaddling his horse Sammy and closing the door.

A spokeswoman for the bank said that aside from an undesirable deposit made by his horse inside the building, the 40-year-old account holder had not breached any house rules.

"The horse was otherwise very well behaved and kept a good watch on his master," she said Wednesday. "Perhaps we should have a supply of oats and water on the premises in future."
Another customer discovered the horse and rider as he slept and informed police, who asked the man to leave.

A police spokesman said that since the horse's droppings had been removed, the matter was now closed.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


CALLING ALL BBW MODELS!!!, a division of Karmul Entertainment of NC, is looking for beautiful BBW models to be featured on our adult website. If you have the looks, and you have what it takes to be a model, then let a sista know! Hit me up on Yahoo 360 (, MySpace (daquietstorm05) or send an email to .

Fellas, you are not being left out! We are also looking for some uninhibited brothers to help out our beautiful BBW models in their photos shoots. So you can hit me up as well.

If you need any additional information, want to know the background of the startup company, or even want to see some of the photos already taken by our signature models, just let me know.

Monday, March 19, 2007

MQSE is coming along!

Well I am back on the stroll of creating my DREAM COMPANY!

I am working with Onyx Unlimited out of Wilmington, DE in creating paradise for networking, partygoers, and the consenting adults in both the Washington, DC and Wilmington, DE locations. My division will be called MQSEntertainment, and it feature all of the hottest dancers, freestyle hip-hop artists, models, and local businesses in the area.

Interesed? Want more Information? you can send me a comment or email me at I will give you all of the details and how you can fit in to my dream.

Company's Motto:
"The Best is Demanded and the Pleasure is Guaranteed"

My Bar Tab is $735

Read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. Title your bulletin "My Bar Tab is$........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.
Smoked pot -- $10
Did acid -- $5
Ever had sex at church -- $25
Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you-- $40
Had sex with someone on MySpace -- $25
Had sex for money -- $100
Ever had sex with a Puerto Rican -- $20
Vandalized something -- $20
Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10
Beat up someone -- $20
Been jumped -- $10
Crossed dressed -- $10
Given money to stripper -- $25
Been in love with a stripper -- $20
Kissed some one who's name you didn't know --$10
Hit on some one of the same sex while at work-- $15
Ever drive drunk -- $20
Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50
Used toys while having sex -- $30
Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- $20
Went skinny dipping -- $5
Had sex in a pool -- $20
Kissed someone of the same sex -- $10
Had sex with someone of the same sex -- $20
Cheated on your significant other -- $10
Masturbated -- $10
Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend --$20
Done oral -- $5
Got oral -- $5
Done / got oral in a car while it was moving-- $25
Stole something -- $10
Had sex with someone in jail -- $25
Made a nasty home video -- $15
Had a threesome -- $50
Had sex in the wild -- $20
Been in the same room while someone was having sex -- $25
Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars -- $20
Had sex with someone 10 years older -- $20
Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27 -- $25
Been in love with two people or more at the same time -- $50
Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- $25
Went streaking -- $5
Went streaking in broad daylight -- $15
Been arrested -- $5
Spent time in jail -- $15
Peed in the pool -- $0.50
Played spin the bottle -- $5
Done something you regret -- $20
Had sex with your best friend >-- $20
Had sex with someone you work with at work --$25
Had anal sex -- $80
Lied to your mate -- $5
Lied to your mate about the sex being good --$25

Tally it up and Title it..."My Bar Tab Is..."

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Dream Office Part 1


I work for a small software firm doing helpdesk support down in a little city called Raleigh. Since I am the supervisor, you can say that I know my shyt, and no one here can tell me otherwise. My team consists of four men, all of who are married, nosy as hell and forgets that I am sitting within earshot ninety-nine percent of the time. I don’t mind the chatter; it only gives me an insight about what they look for in a woman if they ever wanted to cheat on their wives. Their flirtatious thoughts are registered in a small file in the back of my mind. I don’t like to mix business with pleasure, but I never let an opportunity for dick pass me by.

Let me give you a peek at my name and my nature. My name is Dream – Dream Patterson-Black. Despite being a big girl, I am a very sexual person by nature. Making love and fucking is two entirely different worlds for me. I don’t make love with no one unless I was really in love with them, and it will take a while to express that side of me to any man. To put it mildly, every man knows their place in my life - to get my rocks off and get the hell out. Sometimes I feel like dick, sometimes I want to be licked, as long as I get my rocks off. As the saying goes, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.

This week in particular, we didn’t have a lot of calls coming in, so the crew had a little breathing room to chit chat between calls. They were all giving their so-called 'report' on all of the new girls that started working in the building. They were all on a consensus that one girl in particular had the fattest ass in the building. I already had peeped out the girl. She appeared to be like the pretty girl that could be a lousy lay. While I am listening to them complain and talk, my mind started to drift. I found myself sizing them up mentally with the information that they allowed me to hear to see that would be the weakest link for me to attack. I studied each one intently, like an artist looking at its subject before he strokes the canvas with the brush. .

The first guy is Mason. Mason is thirty-two, brown skinned, five foot ten, and is really a crazy, cool guy. He attracts the hoochie mama drama queens like flies to shyt most of the time - hell every girl that he ever mentioned sounds like that type. His wife appears to be that girl that will always have that spare dick lying around, just in case Mason doesn’t perform to her satisfaction. The next guy is Laron. Laron is an older cat - forty-five or so, that appears to have a little kinky streak to him. He reminds me of Willie Dynamite, that cool pimp that could talk a girl out of her panties and her income with that baby face. The third guy is Allen, but I call him Huey p. Newton because of his mind and his complexion, which is honey colored. He is always taking about some type of religious or military conspiracy happening within the US and abroad. While some of it could be true, some is really coincidental, but he makes it appears it to be all fact. Huey is a TNA man (tits-n-ass for the people), and that is all that he likes to see on a woman. He seems like the type that wouldn’t dare cheat on his wife, but if he could, just one chance, I think that he would go for it. I got on the inside of his mind once as a joke, so I know that he haven’t had a ménage nor anal from a girl, which is almost every man's fantasy that I have come across. The last one I call Choirboy. He will occasionally corral with the boys, but he mainly stays to himself. At forty-nine, he sure as hell don’t look like it. He wears his hair long and straight, which is highly unusual unless you are a retired pimp. I was lost in the thought of it all, when I hear Mason ask me a question. "Excuse me, Mason", I said, being apologetic. "Its OK,' he said. "It looked like you were lost in thought". I told him that I had a lot on my mind, and answered his question. Now I turned my attention to the main conversation, which is on another chick that they have been drooling over in the office across the hall.

“I'm telling you man, she have a nicer ass than the other one,” Huey said. “Whosoever is hitting that has got to love the view”. Laron and Mason agreed with a nod. Choirboy didn’t say a word. I just smiled, as if embarrassed. "Oh I am sorry Dream", he said. Before I knew it, I had given him the shock of his life. "You want to hit that, don’t you?” I asked. Huey looked nervous, as if he had swallowed a canary. "You can admit it. You want to put her face down ass up and break her back". Laron and Mason had a look of shock on their faces. Choir Boy turned around and stared at me, bewildered and shocked as well.

Huey gulped hard, trying to swallow his heart and all of his other organs. "Yeah I wouldn’t mind, but I cant, you know that," he said, trying to ease the tension that I had created. I knew I had him reeling.

"Put that out of your mind for a minute. If you knew that you could fuck her, would you?” I asked him. He took a gulp of air.

"If you put it that way, yeah I would. I would tear that ass a new one,” he nodded. That is what I like to hear, I thought to myself. Laron saw the look in my eyes, and I guess that he really wanted to stop me in my tracks. The plan came too late for anyone to attempt to stop me.

"What are you trying to do?" Laron asked.

"I’m just being nosey, that's all. Since half the time you guys realize that I’m not here, why not ask the burning questions.” I turned toward Huey, who have begun to turn red from embarrassment. “Did I embarrass you Huey?" Huey shook his head and said no. " I just never heard you talk like that before. " Well they will be hearing a lot more of that type of talk from my lips. Mason turned to take a call. As he turned I could see that he had been aroused slightly by the bulge in his pants. I think I found the weakest link.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Voltron Breakdance Clip-- Robot Chicken

I love this clip from Robot Chicken! Voltron getting served!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007