Thursday, November 01, 2007

Poem - The Other Woman

This poem is waaaay deep!

I am the one who consoles your man
I listen when you don't have time

I am his friend first and
His lover second
A lover who loves him unconditionally
I don't make him feel like he's less of a man
I know this good black man is doing
The best he can
In an unforgiving world
He laughs with me
Smiles with me
Shares with me
He runs my bath water
And licks the bubbles off my toes
He washes my body with gentle hands
Gentle hands from a gentleman
I make him feel wanted, needed and appreciated
He shows me a side of him
You never knew existed
Did you know he wanted to go to cooking school?

Who am I?
You were always too busy for him
With your career
Too busy to get the brother a beer
Too busy for love
He was never next
Too busy for anal or kinky sex
Don't get it twisted
This isn't something that will pass
It's a lot deeper
We read books together
Cry together
Love forever

Who am I
When his pager goes off
And he has to leave unexpectedly
Well, that's me
When he comes home late and happy
From an all nighter at the office
It's me that put that smile on his face
I make dealing with you more tolerable
I've only spoken to you once or twice
You sound very nice, not cold as ice
Like he said, or maybe he meant
Cold as bed
Idle hands are the devil's workshop
Idle hands of your man
All over my tan.....brown body
A good man is not hard to find
A good man is hard to keep
Especially if you're a weak.......woman
He likes me because I talk back to him
I show him sass and spunk
I give him my lips to kiss and my body to lick
I am the challenge you never were
I bring him breakfast in bed
Followed by a little head
And drink Mimosa's out of his naval
Hey girl, I understand
Everybody aint able
Quit trying to be the boss
And give that salad a toss
I ask him how was his day
And massage his head and his feet
Letting him know
He is my only treat
No disrespect intended
But then again
I don't owe you a thing
I didn't commit to you
He did!

We as women get mad at one another
Instead of dealing with the man
The man with idle hands
Who am I
In response to the other woman,
Allow me to introduce myself
I am the WOMAN who was there each step He took.
I am his backbone that keeps him strong.
I am his best Friend and Soul mate,
while you settled for being just his here and now date.
You state that you love him unconditionally,
well you don't know unconditional love until you lay
awake praying, holding and molding your mate.
I don't make him feel less than a man because I am
more than a woman to belittle my man.
And just because you give him tail and he tells
you sweet nothing to make your head swell,
doesn't mean he's your male.
You say he laughs with you, nah he laughs at you
because you will always be coach
because I am first class.
You say he smiles with you , well he cries with me
because we are connected emotionally.
So.... he licks your toes huh?
Well... toes and ho's go together.
But my dear he licks my cat, so how
You like that.
He massages my inner walls, and your surprised
he didn't call?
He is in tuned to me because I am his destiny.
Which you can never be.
Sweetie, you think you know things I don't,
his inner most thoughts, wants, and dreams.
Do you realize we built those things from
bottom to top together.
You should have known better.
Who am I? You know who I am. Damn.
I am that woman you strive to be.
Nothing and no one compares to me.
The Woman you can't be.
The woman working hard to build stability.
Yes, I am a career woman.
And yes, I am on top of my business, but
guess what he is my business, and now this is
You know I don't blame you for hating me
And if that makes you feel better about
yourself then let it be.
Because I am secure in how I present myself.
Don't YOU get it TWISTED sister, I do just
in the satisfaction department, you didn't know?
What you did last night, he learned from me.
I have a bachelors in seduction, a masters
in rhythmatic abilities,
and PHd in climax stimulation.
Like I said before I am first class, the ultimate.
My ways are intoxicating, leaving a man
puzzled and perplexed
on how he can get his next fix.
Who am I? You know who I am.
I AM THE WOMAN, you can't be.
STOP....... you don't even compare to me.
He told you I am cold as ice, no sweetie,
you misinterpreted what he meant.
He meant I leave him with chills running up
and down his spine because I am so fine.
Kinky- I can be, but unlike you I am a
What I do in my bed stays in my bed,
while what you do in bed hops from bed to
bed to street corner.
You are right, a good man is not hard to
find, but hard to keep.
and weak.... hardly describes me freak.
He likes you because you walk behind him
I walk beside him.
You bring him breakfast in bed,
My mornings after has him scrambling eggs
butt naked with slippers on.
And when I ask him what will you eat- he
responds... "YOU are my treat."
No disrespect taken honey and actually I
find it quite funny.
I am more than a WOMAN.
He's the ONE who committed to me.
That's why I will let the two of you be.
Who am I? You know who I am.
I am that LADY who discharged his ass yesterday.
Now, what you got to say.
Ya see, I knew who you were on the phone,
that's why I decided to leave him alone.
My man and I had a little conference and
sadly to say
that I AM TIRED, so my jigga, your ass is
Who am I ?
I am that WOMAN who got AWAY!
It is best to be thought a fool than to
open your mouth and prove it. Silence can be so loud. !!!!!!!!