I know a lot of people have asked about my Yahoo IM messages that are displayed beside my name. Well here is a small breakdown of the common messages so people wont be sending that famous acronym WTF??
Calling Ghetto Dr. Phil - I am chatting with someone that has a lot of issues and need someone that will give them objective advice. Sometimes they listen, most times they don't, and what I tell them comes full circle.
Having a Pinky and Brain moment - (If you ever watched cartoons, think of the Animaniacs' Pinky and the Brain.) This is twofold; If I am having a bad day at the office, the sign will go up. 95% of the time, it is my crazy-ass 'boss' in NC that has hatched another hair-brained scheme to take over the world, and I as his president tries not to attempt to catch a case (or commit myself under a 51-50) trying to stop him.
VoluptuousDCDiva - I'm in a basic Diva mood. Most of the time I am ranting about something in my personal life.
KARMUL - I am working on something related to Karmul. Simply hit me up and I'll tell you what's new on the Karmul horizon.
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