Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Poem - Love Eventually

Love Eventually

I'm tired of the roller coaster ride
that my heart is taking me through
I don't know what love is anymore
because love has never been true
treating me like a motherless child
tossed away with yesterday's news
not caring about any feelings
that haunts me
I hold on to the thought that one day
One day love will find me

I can see my longing for that love
cradling me in its arms
As a mother soothes her child
giving me that agape love that I yearn
Unconditional, not thinking about the consequences
that has been bestowed upon me
I want to feel the warmth of the breeze going through my hair
as the sands in an hourglass
the sun warming my soul with each ray
welcoming me to live life once again
and my soul becomes free from its restraints
that the hurt of love holds
soaring like an eagle high above the clouds
my heart will be unbound ready to love

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